Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Syllabus....CD's.....and Comment Challenge

Sister Tanner wanted me to make sure that I let you know that she has some of the syllabus available for any of those who would like to purchase one.  The syllabus is $10.  She also has 9 different single class CD's available as well.  She will send me a list later and I will post those.  Each CD is $10.  If you are interested in any of them we would be happy to ship them to you.  It will be $3/package.  Please email me ahpianostudio@cableone.net your name and mailing address as well as your email address and we will let you know where to send the check.  All checks need to be made payable to Carleen Tanner. 

Sister Tanner emphasized in class today that the experiences that you share with her about how you have applied the principles taught is her "payday".  It makes her want to be here and continue teaching the class.  She challenged us at the end of class today as part of our homework to post a comment under a specific "class" about an experience you had with that class, whether it worked or not, as well as encouragement for others who are reading this blog.  Please include specific examples of what worked or did not work for you.  There are several people that have let me know that they are following this class through the blog because they are unable to attend.  You can post with or without your name, but please share your experiences.  You never know who you might touch.  Thanks!


gnjpenney said...

I think I will thanks! out of the 9 which one is suggested to buy FIRST? :-)

Leslie said...

Before I had even taken sister Tanner's class, I kept hearing how great it was. I wanted to take it for a couple years, but couln't make the time. My friend said I could borrow one of the cds from the class to see if I would like it. Well, the cd was so AMAZING and helped me so much this summer I decided to not miss out another year on the class. It was the 'House of Order' cd! My kids wouldn't even brush their teeth without groaning, now they get up and make their beds without being asked. They know what is expected of them, and they have shined with these methods! I have listened to the cd over and over!