Carleen’s Dance
By: Sandi Haslam
A spotlight, white and brilliant,
Lays a circle on the stage,
And in the hush there stands there,
A child of tender age.
Slippered for the dance she’s learned,
She listens, small and scared,
To hear the melody she knows,
For which she has prepared
She knows out in the darkness,
Just beyond the light,
Her father, in the first row,
Will watch her dance tonight.
Familiar, lovely, music
Begins to fill her ears.
Her small slippers start to dance
Despite her childish fear.
Carefully remembering
Each spin and turn and bow,
She dances to the edge of light
And pauses to look out.
But all there is, is darkness,
Missteps, and then she falls.
From somewhere just beyond the light,
Her name is softly called.
“Go on, go on! Keep dancing!
I’m here, where you can’t see,
But oh! My Ballerina,
You’re so beautiful to me!”
At his voice she rises
And dances till it’s done.
Then, there he is, embracing,
When the curtain comes.
All mistakes forgotten,
She triumphed in the light
Because her loving father
Watched her dance tonight.
You’re the ballerina,
And life becomes your stage---
This is your chance---your time to dance,
Your chosen epic age.
When the world would blind you
And hide Him from your sight,
Know Father cares, and the He’s there,
Just beyond the light.
Wishing He could save you
When you stumble and you fall,
Knowing you by very name,
Softly He will call---
“Go on, go on! Keep dancing!
I’m here where you can’t see,
But, oh! My ballerina!
You’re so beautiful to me!”
And at His voice you’ll know Him.
You’ll rise and dance again—
You’ll weare out slippers trying
To dance the dance like Him.
When the music dies away
And finally it is done,
There He’ll be, embracing,
When to the veil you come.
All mistakes forgiven,
You triumphed in the light,
Because a Loving Father
Watched you dance tonight.