Sunday, September 23, 2012

House of Order (Follow Up)

As you read the talk get a hard copy and make a to-do list. "Courageous Parenting"  Elder Lawrence. 

Class member shared:  Super organized Mom. Last 6 months majorly slipping. Summer was chaos. Sh decided that they have to get this together.  All of August super depressed and overwhelmed.  This week pulled it together and created more of a peaceful environment.  Much more peaceful.  Started FHE. 
Class Member Shared: Her life is fitting in what I she can fit in.  She has lots of goals and couldn't get them done.  She created schedule and now she can schedule those goals in.

Class Member Shared: She is not an organized Mom.  Life and house has been chaotic for a long time.  Husband was called to be a bishop 2 months ago, school, sports, yelling went up and chaos went up.  She has to look at only doing one thing or she's too overwhelmed.  Right after school when kids get home is when the chaos is the worst.  This week she had snack ready before they got home.  They sat around the table to eat together, homework, dinner started, sports stuff ready.  It made a huge difference.

Class Member Shared: She has been putting off getting up before kids for a long time.  This week she started getting up at 5:40 and exercising and reading scriptures before kids.  It's been a good week.

Class Member Shared: Wanted to piggy back off what previous member said. She started getting up 15-20 minutes earlier.  Helped a HUGE amount.  She was able to read a couple of verses and be dressed before kids got up.

This class is not about becoming perfect Mother's.  It's about changing percentages.  If you didn't do it every day...not important.  Don't beat yourself up if you can't do 100%.  As you work with it you will get better.

If you will pick up 2 things to retain your 10 weeks will be successful.  You can't do everything she teaches in 10 weeks.  Reviewing and giving credit for what you have already done.  Pick up something new each week to just try.   Pick something to focus on for the duration. It's not possible to do everything, but pick something.  Change % and be better off than you were before.  Baby steps to the Celestial Kingdom.


Anonymous said...

I have to testify to getting up early. I used to sleep in later than anyone you know... seriously! My family and friends used to tease that you couldn't call before 10:00 because there was no chance I would be awake. Well, that changed when I trained for one of my marathons and the only time I could run with my buddy was at 5:00 in the morning. It was so hard those first 2 weeks to get up HOURS earlier than what I was used to. After that I began to look forward to my early runs and getting up way before my kids. Granted I was pretty exhuasted by 2:00 in the afternoon, but I rarely was able to sit down to rest my eyes. It ended up that I was "early to bed, early to rise" and my body was happy, healthy, and wise. If I can do it... ANYONE can do it.

Anonymous said...

After looking at my life last week I realized my "house" is quite a bit out of order. I constantly feel like my house is messy---hey, I'm a yellow and often I get distracted and sometimes don't really care. However, when it comes to my kids we have a routine down. We have a routine when they get up in the morning and get ready for school and it continues when they get off the bus. They do homework and chores and by the time they are done daddy is walking in the door in time for dinner. After that we have a little time to play before the bedtime routine starts... But what do you do when your hubby comes home early and disrupts the routine? My dear, dear husband came home early from work last week and the kids dropped everything to play with him and completely ignored anything I had to say. We still needed homework and chores to be done, but it was like I was pulling teeth from both my husband and my kids!

On a positive note, since my kids were out of school 2 days last week I took that opportunity to help them clean and organize their rooms really good. I was totally impressed with my 7 year old daughter! As we were going through her toys she had them more organized than I expected. She even said, "Mom, this bin is for the accessories." What?! I didn't know she even knew what that meant and she's labeling one of her toy bins with it! I figured if a 7 year old can be organized than so should I. So I later went to my closet and got to work. The rest of the house will have it's turn, but I have to take it one day at a time.

Kristen said...

For the previous poster that mentioned their husband coming home early and disrupting their schedule. I'd like to share something that was shared in a stake meeting the other day. Our stake President shared some advice given to him by Elder Nattress who said, "Plan precisely, execute flexibly". We should have a plan in place but when things change we should be flexible. How great that your husband was able to come home early and play with the kids!

Kristen said...

For the previous poster that mentioned their husband coming home early and disrupting their schedule. I'd like to share something that was shared in a stake meeting the other day. Our stake President shared some advice given to him by Elder Nattress who said, "Plan precisely, execute flexibly". We should have a plan in place but when things change we should be flexible. How great that your husband was able to come home early and play with the kids!